Elements of A Good Kitchen Design

Is Cabinet Refacing Right for You? Answer These 5 Questions to Find out

Kitchen Design elevation

Illustration by Arthur Mount https://goo.gl/M1rvog


Elements of a Good Kitchen Design

Kitchens are complex and creating a great kitchen design takes experience and training. First of all, good design is more than just putting cabinets on the wall and arranging your appliances. Good design takes into account how each person uses the kitchen. Basic design standards are modified to suit individual needs and flexibility in the design to accomodate changing needs.

Because so many builders are not experts in kitchen design they often leave it to the end. Usually when they are in a hurry to get the project done. As a result many kitchens are not designed well. As part of our cabinet refacing and kitchen remodeling business we see a lot of kitchens. It seems like most of them have some serious design issues.

If you are planning on remodeling your kitchen conisder hiring an experienced professional. They will spend time with you to analyze how you use your kitchen and come up with the the best design.

Important Dimensions to Consider When Remodeling

For most people who are remodeling the floorplan of the kitchen is not going to change dramatically. That would involve moving a lot of walls, plumbing and electric service. That could impact the design of other rooms as well. Most people will keep a simialr layout, perhaps removing a wall to open up the kitchen to a living area.

What you can do is make sure your kitchen layout follows standard design dimensions. You can also add function through the use of organizers and cabinet modifications.   The images below outline some basic design dimensions to consider.

Kitchen Design elevation

Illustration by Arthur Mount https://goo.gl/M1rvog

Common Mistakes: 

Squeezing in an island

Islands are super functional and a great addition to a kitchen… if there is room. You need a minimum of 42 inches between your permeter cabinets and your island and 48 inches

Kitchen design bar height

Illustration by Arthur Mount https://goo.gl/M1rvog

Bar height vs Overhang

The height of your bar dictates the amount of overhang you need for your counter tops. The talled the bar top, the less overhang you need.

Kitchen Sink Design

Illustration by Arthur Mount https://goo.gl/M1rvog

Landing Areas

You should have at least 18″ of counter on either side of your sink and stove, 24 inches is better.

Kitchen desing stove dimensions

Illustration by Arthur Mount https://goo.gl/M1rvog

Kitchen Design Stove

Illustration by Arthur Mount https://goo.gl/M1rvog

Vent Hood

Kitchen ventillation is more important than most people realize. Your vent hood should be 6 inches wider than your stove top and be at least 2/3rds as deep as your stove. Invest in a quality vent hood but avoid over doing it. Installing a hood with too much air flow can create problems as well.

Kitchen design kitchen dining nook

Illustration by Arthur Mount https://goo.gl/M1rvog